
Top 10 Reasons to Join EKOGA!
EKOGA Works to Save You Money
As just one example, EKOGA worked directly with the Kansas Department of Revenue on proper valuation of the smaller equipment used in Eastern Kansas compared to the rest of the state, which saves all lease and drilling rig operators money on personal property taxes.
EKOGA Works to Save You Time
EKOGA worked with the Royalty Owners Associations to negotiate a reasonable surface owner notification bill, which as initially presented would have been a substantial burden on small oil and gas operators.
EKOGA is Active in Topeka
EKOGA has a paid lobbyist who monitors the Kansas Legislature and provides detailed reports regarding new bills that affect both the Kansas Oil and Gas Industry and small business in general.
EKOGA is Directly Involved in Creating and Revising State Regulations
EKOGA has a representative on the Kansas Corporation Commission Oil and Gas Advisory Committee and Rules and Regulations Subcommittee. All new rules and regulations or revisions to old rules and regulations go through this committee.
EKOGA Monitors Federal Bills Affecting the U. S. Oil and Gas Industry
Through a network of individuals and organizations, EKOGA has our finger on the pulse of what is happening in Washington that could affect our local industry.
EKOGA Monitors Federal Agencies Affecting the U. S. Oil and Gas Industry
EKOGA monitors the EPA, OSHA, the IRS and other federal agency activities relating to the Oil and Gas Industry. As these agencies continue to expand and become ever more intrusive, it is imperative that we closely monitor what they are doing.
EKOGA Members Share Their Experiences with Government Entities
EKOGA members share their experiences with various government agencies, and even invite regulators to speak at our meetings to gain a better understanding of how they interpret rules and what operators need to do to be in compliance.
EKOGA Keeps You Informed
EKOGA members receive the EKOGA newsletter and American Oil and Gas Reporter magazine, which contains timely, relevant information on the current state of the Oil and Gas Industry in Eastern Kansas and beyond.
EKOGA Provides Great Networking Opportunities at our Conferences
EKOGA members enjoy a mid-year meeting as well as our Annual Trade Show and Convention. During these events, oil and gas newcomers and industry veterans alike can learn about new products, new technology, discuss industry issues and enjoy a great party at the same time!
EKOGA - Since 1957
EKOGA represents over 50 years of positive influence in the Eastern Kansas Oil and Gas Industry.
All of this for less than 55 cents per day for a Producer or Service & Supply member, less than 21 cents per day for a Royalty Owner or Associate member, or less than 9 cents per day for an Employee or Individual member. What is your livelihood worth to protect?